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I am absolutely adoring the game, I'm pretty sure I had a shiver go up my spine when I was reading throug the Cordyceps' spawning event, then I got the potato a few runs later and burst out laughing at the sheer confusion of everyone involved. 

Hope the development is going smoothly, can barely wait for the full launch.


(spoilers below) 

Hey! Absolutely love the game, just small question: how do you get the recluse's stamina to be higher than 8 ? When trying to get one of the (new?) endings "The Recluse's big night out" I think I need to dance but with stamina 8 I end up failing and in the end I only get "After all this time" as an ending. Does anyone have a solution to that, or if I'm doing something wrong please tell me ;-;

Otherwise, great game, so cute I looove playing it and I love the new updates added !!! 

(2 edits)

I know one of the ways is to bet a finger in the Gambling Fairy's encounter, it gets you 4 points if you win.

You do need more than 8 points though, I think you need it to be at or above 12.

Thanks!!! I'll try it and tell you if it worked :)

It worked :) seems like you need exactly 12 or more lol! Also I found something else for stamina: if your garden is like ruined you are asked if you want to start over or not, and if you choose not to you gain 4 extra stamina lol. Anyways thanks!

I don't think this is normal (chanterelle, that route where you come back to the fruit tree)

My baby disintegrated into mold on my first run. 10/10

You talking about the "Can't Keep it Together" ending or is this related to the "Molding" trait?

Game crashes when u choose slow grow option in garden

Oh my! That's an interesting thing to encounter... That section of the game is a work in progress and shouldn't be available through normal means. Just curious, how did you get to the garden?


The Witch Hut and the Garden are both accessible for me on the latest Android release. I get the same [exception] when starting from Slo-Grow, but selecting [Ignore] on the bottom left allowed me to continue to the game. 

I recently downloaded the Steam demo, and can confirm that the [Wishlist Mushroom Musume on Steam today!] banner is in the same place on PC that the Witch Hut is on mobile.


👀 uhhh well oops! I managed to totally miss that, thanks for letting us know. I'm going to patch that out now haha

(Consider that a behind-the-scenes sneak peak I guess!)

Egads! But what of my fenced-in 7x7 plot of stumps?

But I kid. I've truly enjoyed everything about this game you've made so far. Something about it is so melancholically enthralling.

could someone explain to me a guide of how to get romance? i keep meeting random girls but dont know how to find them again! eg, the nerd girl near mushys house and that random alien lady


I think you can only romance them if you meet them before you pick an aspiration. For most you just have to pick the gala option. The girl who’s after Cupid is her own thing though.

For most it's just meeting them before choosing your aspirations in winter, choosing to go to the gala and then choosing them as your partner.

The nerd girl has her own aspiration where you help her with hunting down Cupid.

Does anyone know how to get the two star poison type mushrooms? or can share a photo of what they look like

(1 edit)

Only poisonous 2-star I've got so far is the Flame Coral. I think what you need to do is prioritise Robustness and the poison-related choices (the ones marked with the emblem that's under the "21" on the pic)

Not really sure though, only got her twice.


Please, how do I get the last 0 star mushroom-

I've unlocked literally every other thing in the game-

I actually dreamed about unlocking her this morning omg


lesbians and mushrooms best combo 💯💯💯 love this game!



It's a mushroom, congratulations.

The poor kid is malnourished 

idk why but the game not run. aaaaaahhhh * explotion*

no se por que pero el juego no corre. AAAAAHHH *explota*

I'm sorry to hear that! Maybe we can help... What operating system are you on, and does the game give any kind of error when you try to open it?


Cool game! But i do have a problem with it, when i downloaded it the "read me" folder was empty! I have no idea if there were any important things written on it.



Now seriously. With more content, and polish this game that ALREADY IS REALLY FUCK*NG GOOD IT COULD BECOME SO SO INCLEDYBLE

You guys are great at what you do! Please keep going! You have gold in your hands

(Also... If it isn't to much to ask.... More lesbic romance options with more kisses pretty please...)

I really want to play this game, but it literally won't let me play it due to a starting error :(  

what it says:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/classes/garden.rpy", line 978, in <module>

  File "game/classes/garden.rpy", line 179, in __init__

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'NoneType'

Any help please?


I should probably mention I downloaded this on a windows computer :)


Oh, thank you for the heads up...! It looks like a rogue file wiggled its way into the build, I just posted a new version that should fix this issue


Its working now! thank you for the assistance :D

Hello! I would like to reset my process on the game. Is there any way I could do that? I even deleted and re-downloaded the game. This is such an amazing and also my favourite game but sadly when I last played it I didn't put as much thought into naming my characters nor into making interesting characters so I'd like to start again without having 100 daughters.

(1 edit)

Hi! If you select Settings from the start menu, there should be a 'Clear Game Progress' button (near the bottom, right above the Return button). This'll clear your Alamanac of all those pesky memories!

Thank you for playing!~ (Edited to add: this button was broken until recently, so be sure you're playing version .5d! It says which version you have on the About page)

Oh, thank you!


SOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!! I played this bad boy for a few hours upon download, so so so much fun! It's adorable, and funny, and sweet-- love the dice mechanic!


THIS GAME IS SO ADORABLE! I almost cried multiple times, at first I thought it was going to be some simple tamagotchi-esque game with cute pixel art, but Oh My Goodness! The third chapter breaks and squeezes my rubbery cold heart too much! My preppy Pixel's Parasol daughter asked me to take her to the ball? My loner Slime Mold daughter escaped during the night to learn magic? My stoic & Dense chicken-of-the woods daughter rejoiced to give some kids a treat? I love all my mushroom daughters so much! I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS GAME T-T

(1 edit) (+1)

I played again and gave my cordyceps daughter a old bow. Since then I have seen things that both scathed my psyche and made me laugh out loud in the middle of the night in the span of 20 minutes. I don't know what to say aside that this was the best text-based game I've played in my entire life.


The first time i played this I got the blooming Earth Star (probably from my poor decisions, I didn't get rid of the parasites) When her journey was finished, I CRIED. the end where you lose your optimism always gets me for some reason.  

Deleted 278 days ago

Hi, I tried to use the Google Forms for bug reporting but it required logging in.

(3 edits)

Here's what I came across.

This came while a daughter was on close terms with the Recluse

That's a great game, but for my taste it's a bit to poetic.

(1 edit) (+1)

EDIT: neverming i fixed it!!

i've a problem. writing here because it's not a bug (i think??) but i need help please ^^;

i accidentally messed up while trying to do something with save files. basically, i still have my saves, but i lost my almanac progress in version .5b. it still shows up fine in .4, and i have backed up a bunch of files, so hopefully there's a way to fix it. so can someone please tell me in which file the almanac is and if there's a way to make .5b see it properly? i think it disappeared when i tried replacing "persistent" from .4 to .5b. i also tried replacing or removing files in appdata in addition to editing saves in the game folder, and it didn't help. i also tried deleting the whole game folder and reinstalling it.

i ended up doing this because i had a daughter very stuck due to a bugged story event in .4 and after realizing there's no way to continue from there even in a newer version, i just wanted to have her grow up without it, but .5b wouldn't load older saves properly, so i just played until end on .4, but later realised that the new grown daughter didn't show up in .5b.. :(


if anyone has this specific issue, in appdata/renpy other than mushroom musume folder with saves there was also a tokens folder with files related to updating mushroom musume. i deleted them and sync folder in saves and just left v .4 saves and persistent there, and also deleted anything new in the game folder


Does anybody know how to get the veiled mushroom?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm curious on what had to happen for this game idea to come... Well but the game looks pretty attractive tbh, I'll give it a try :)


This game is lovely, I strongly suggest getting it no matter what, it's incredibly entertaining and has a great story no matter what you do, I found myself pleased even when I lost, 11/10 game, not to mention the art, truly extraordinary!

😭 It was over too fast… Seriously though, amazing game. I am curious, did I miss some stuff? I only ever unlocked the 2 magic thingies, never interacted past the cowbell, and lived a rather lonely life… Then again, I only played once… Is this game meant to be repeated many times? Thanks! Again, truly amazing game either way, I adore it


this game is meant to have multiple playthroughs! i myself have about 82 daughters and i still haven't 100%ed the game lol

Oh wow! Thanks :D

(2 edits)

Encountered this error a few times randomly in the beginning of the game when you're raising the kid.

Ah, thank you for catching this! We've just pushed a new build that should fix it up~

such a great game <3

encountered an error playing the updated version today? this was when i was trying to take the alien lady out for the gala

Thank you for posting! We just pushed a quick update that should fix this issue -- sorry about that~

(1 edit) (+1) you so much


I have a terrible understanding of English but I still enjoy the game.

Att.ojala y algún día lo traduzcan a español.

Att 2:que juego tan bueno lptm

This feels like a form of bullying qq.

call your friend who played this game a LBM and watch them start crying


Well joke’s on us, my little brown mushroom ended up dating the scholar girl. So if you ever feel like a loser, incompetent etc. remember, you too can end up with a cute nerdy lesbian gf with a mysterious secret, all you need is kindness and a bit of luck~

Fun, and pretty game, got lost as all heck in the kid story though. Then got jumpscared.

(1 edit)

after defeating the bloom lord i come out of that tale and the witch gives her little closing, then i get the text about my thoughts of where asphodel was laid to rest. then after that the text box just shows as blank text permanently. like i can click through it and it changes my history but each set of text is just blank and the history gets blanked out. re-loaded the save and tried the same path a couple times all to the same result :( is this an ending or is my save just fatally bugged?

[EDIT] lol i think i might've been playing an older version of the game so i'll update it and see if i can retrace my steps and maybe the bug will go away? idk i would still love some input if anyone's experienced similar :3

Hi there, dev who worked on that event in particular here:

You are most definitely on an older version, sorry to say, and the way we had to fix it makes retroactive save files in that area usually non-compatible with the update

Very sorry for the trouble there, that bug in particular was actually one that stumped all of us for quite some time

Bought the halloween bundle but not being able to access the new text file, any advice? MM has been one of my favourite passtime games for a few months now

Haha yeah... admittedly I realized after posting the file that itch bundles don't work as I was hoping (it doesn't appear to me like you can add paid files to a game in the bundle after the bundle starts? oops!)... If you look at the download instructions on the downloads page (beneath all the builds),  there's a link to where you can download the text file externally (if you can't find it, send us an email at and we'll be sure it gets to you)

Happy Halloween! 🎃 Thanks for getting the bundle :)

Update! The team emailed me back, but for anyone else that might have trouble finding it on mobile, it's the super tiny triangle symbol next to the first sentence! Thanks to the team for being so awesome


Game seems cool but it's giving constant errors. The most recent, if it helps.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 31, in <module>

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 3, in daughter_eat

  File "game/classes/daughter.rpy", line 1320, in change_stats

  File "game/displayables/particle_displayables.rpy", line 12, in generate_daughter_particles

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "phase runners/old_growing.rpyc", line 31, in script

  File "C:\Users\robbi\Desktop\Games\Mushroom\MushroomMusume-.4c2-pc\renpy\", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "C:\Users\robbi\Desktop\Games\Mushroom\MushroomMusume-.4c2-pc\renpy\", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 31, in <module>

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 3, in daughter_eat

  File "game/classes/daughter.rpy", line 1320, in change_stats

  File "game/displayables/particle_displayables.rpy", line 12, in generate_daughter_particles

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64


Mushroom Musume .4c2

Sun Oct 22 02:05:07 2023

We just pushed a build that (I think) should fix this issue! If you happen to check it out, let us know if you're still having issues and I'll take another look at it. Thanks for playing (and letting us know)~

I got this game in the halloween bundle, I was expecting it to be short but it's got so many things to discover it's wonderfull. I launch it via the app and i have a recurring error while playing, but if i just ignore it it doesn't seem to cause a problem.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 24, in <module>

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 3, in daughter_eat

  File "game/classes/daughter.rpy", line 1320, in change_stats

  File "game/displayables/particle_displayables.rpy", line 12, in generate_daughter_particles

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "phase runners/old_growing.rpyc", line 24, in script

  File "C:\Users\Lhyne\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4c2-pc\renpy\", line 1138, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "C:\Users\Lhyne\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4c2-pc\renpy\", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 24, in <module>

  File "game/phase runners/old_growing.rpy", line 3, in daughter_eat

  File "game/classes/daughter.rpy", line 1320, in change_stats

  File "game/displayables/particle_displayables.rpy", line 12, in generate_daughter_particles

TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


Mushroom Musume .4c2

Sat Oct 21 11:59:05 2023


(2 edits)

Apart from that, i have a lot of fun with this game.
I'm a little stuck in the manse event though.


I've got the sword (transformed at the altar), but i seem to lose just before the final strike (even with the armor) and i don't know what i can do.

We just pushed a build that (I think) should fix this issue! If you happen to check it out, let us know if you're still having issues and I'll take another look at it. Thanks for playing (and letting us know)~

It seems fixed, i am halfway through a playthrough and it doesn't seem to come up anymore. Thank you.
The game is still wonderfull by the way, i'm having fun discovering new mushrooms everytime ^^

This Game is beautiful but lots of errors but dosnt bother me to much i love the art style and the soft smooth gameplay and lovely aesthetic great job <3

so I was doing a quest to kill a mushroom daughter, when i tried to talk to her, i failed the dice roll and went to retreat when the game crashed on me.

here is the error code for you:



I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/final challenges/wandering_sister.rpy, line 185)

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "final challenges/wandering_sister.rpyc", line 171, in script

  File "C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4b-pc\renpy\", line 1913, in execute


  File "C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4b-pc\renpy\", line 344, in evaluate

    value = renpy.python.py_eval(v, locals=scope)

  File "C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4b-pc\renpy\", line 1151, in py_eval

    code = py_compile(code, 'eval')

  File "C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4b-pc\renpy\", line 1088, in py_compile

    raise e

  File "C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4b-pc\renpy\", line 1034, in py_compile

    raise orig_e

  File "C:\Users\Ben\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\mushroom-musume\MushroomMusume-.4b-pc\renpy\", line 1027, in py_compile

    tree = compile(source, filename, py_mode, ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST | flags, 1)

SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/final challenges/wandering_sister.rpy, line 185)

Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64


Mushroom Musume .4b

Fri Sep 22 12:40:14 2023



I put this in the bug reporting tool as well from the recent post you made from the new patch fixes

Thank you for catching that! I think the newest build should have this fixed~ (But as a warning, I'm not sure if the old save file will be fixed... if that makes sense)

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