These types of games and the style really strike a soft spot, and watching my sweet child grow into something that we were both proud of was an enriching experience.
I love it! All the characters are interesting, and the mushroom girls are so cute! I just wish we could play through the entire life of the mushroom girl to get a fuller story line.
I'm on mac so maybe theres no solution, but I just finished the matchmaker chapter and I cannot figure out how to continue after that. It brings me to my info screen and the X just puts me on the main menu.
Hello! Congratulations on growing your first daughter. It bringing you to the character screen then the intro scene marks the end of a playthrough... Mushroom Musume is meant to be played through multiple times, so you can try to grow different types of mushroom (if you haven't looked through it yet, be sure to check out your Mushroom Almanac on the main screen to see what you've found so far!).
Different daughters have unique abilities and can sometimes make interesting choices in events, and there's more events in the game than any one daughter could see!
Hi! I'm sorry it's giving you problems. Just to check, what version of the game are you playing? We fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze after completing the Revenger story in this last update, so if you're on an older version it may already be fixed! If you're currently playing the newest version (4a), please send some screenshots and info to our bug report form so we can fix it in the future.
i think i found a problem. after i finish the revenger story no matter how it ends (i tried dying from fighting the building and beating semfumnr alone and also with other characters) it just won`t continue to the next scene after the dialogue with the storyteller. no text appears at all? and it's completely stuck. this is after loading, the picture should be different normally. i don't know if the colors were supposed to change back. this is my second playthrough so i'm still finding out stuff.
Hi there, ol' Zaozoruzhna here to help with a little clarification.
The way the cards work is that there are multiple different types: the standard card that you see for most options, the rare card (denoted with a gem top-center of the card frame) that typically is accessible through some prerequisite your daughter has hit (which btw, these choices usually lead to better/interesting content); there are also cards that have a swirl in the top left corner, which correspond to different tokens your daughter may have (culinary tokens, poison tokens, and wealth tokens), applying these tokens (by clicking on the swirl) will increase your odds of succeeding that skill check.
Lastly, there are the nope cards. Sometimes, rather than bothering with an event (as we do have a couple rather... longer ones sprinkled throughout), you just want to continue on with the game - the nope cards allow you to bypass an event without shortening the total number of events your daughter will get in the run (consider them like a mulligan.)
I hope this helps clarify, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Edit: I copied the save files including the "persistent" file and it worked. Im guessing the save files aren't actually needed and you only need the "persistent" file for it to work, but you'd lose your saves.
I tried to download it on my Android but when the download is about to finish it says "forbidden" I investigated and it says it's because I don't have permission to download something from the server and that's why it forbids me, I thought it was Chrome's fault, but no, I never had this error appeared :(
If it is your phone saying the file type is forbidden, you might need to change your download settings on your phone to allow downloads from sources other than the apple/google/galaxy store. For security reasons, by default your phone won't allow downloads from non-store locations/websites. If you search "how to install unknown apps on (apple/android), you should be able to get the game to download properly. Keep in mind, this feature it DISABLED BY DEFAULT FOR SECURITY REASONS, so you might want to turn it back on after you have the game fully running/working.
Verry satisfied with my open to interpretation ending, was an interesting perspective of having a daughter, I didn't expect it to be all that good, however I definitely think its worth at least one play by anyone.
Let me be of some help, as part of the challenge of the Mausoleum is navigating your way through it.
In essence, what you're aiming to do is get to the heart of the Mausoleum, where the Revenger's enemy waits. But to do so, you need to acquire keys to progress through locked doors - these keys are attained by fighting (or using items if you acquired them in town) two sub-bosses.
If you would like, I have attached a map of the mausoleum to help guide you through.
Also note: if you wish to prematurely end the story, you can return to the entrance of the Mausoleum and leave. Later on, if you re-encounter the Crone who reads you the tale, you'll have the option to start at the beginning of the Mausoleum rather than town.
(And depending on how you played the town portion, re-starting at the beginning of the Mausoleum may yield a different end...)
I love this game so much, I would love for a guide to it because it's pretty hard to get all the endings lol, but it's a big game so I understand if that would be difficult. Also, does anyone have tips on how to raise your daughter correctly so she doesn't end up as a little brown mushroom? Do you just need to make sure her environment is very good, or are there other elements that affect how well you raised her?
there's a disposition when you open up your daughter's info and if it says underdeveloped you'll have to pick more choices corresponding to your daughter's type
i uh, sorta do have a guide of the game because i got bored lol, the guide isn't exactly finished, since i haven't finish the song section quite yet i can send the link if you want ?
Heyyy, it's me again. I was playing in a route where I chose the bleeding hearts flower and when my daughter grew into an adult, I got this: (the image attached). I have the newest build so it seems that the file is still missing. pls let me know if there's something I can do or if you need to release an update with it fixed. I can wait, I just wanted to let you know that I found this error
I loooved it!! Such a hauntingly beautiful game with lots of heart and lovable characters, the aesthetic is incredible. Short and sweet, I would love to see a longer more complex version of this someday. I also loved seeing goofy lesbians with the Cupid storyline, it made my little butch heart happy so thank you for that :) I'll be on the lookout for more games you make! <3
It'd be so great, if any of my choices came to mean anything in the end. Say I gain a neat item or trait; considering the miniscule bundle of events before the game concludes, the odds of both gaining this trait/item, encountering the event where it can come in useful, and succeeding the save, are trivial. The game is too short, with too little player control, for most choices to be meaningful at all... unless I savescum, which is dull. Either allocate more time, or provide additional control over the web of disconnected events, I believe.
Second notice: even with multiple savescums, and two magick shrooms, I hadn't once received the opportunity to cast a spell, or even expand my abilities beyond witchling. In fact, I've not seen a single case in which it could come up, during any of my playthroughs. Yeah, absolutely nothing I do matters.
Ive been able to learn actual magic a few times, so to me it seems like the events are kinda rare, theres one where its really late and theres a guy with a fire, than another at a graveyard, thats all i know
does learning the clairvoyance magik lead to any events where we can use it later on??
also idk what to do in the scene with the statue in the glade except for picking up the rosemary, it seems like there should be more but idk what to do with it or if theres more interactions im missing!!
and idk how to meet the violet coral girl in the endings list! a lot of questions lol
and anyways love loooooove this game so much so many cool subtle easter eggs depending on your choices and things u pick up along the way :D
Hello Habeabi, and thanks for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying the game (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
With clairvoyance, there might be a chance at tipping the odds in your favor should you find yourself at Lady Luck's table
The Violet Coral encounter requires a certain type of mushroom girl, one that complements by contrast the qualities Miss VC has
For the glade, if the daughter can read with the bookworm trait, there's a touching epitaph at the base of the statue. Otherwise, if you have the minor spirit summoning trait, there is a lingering pain in the area who's ear you may like to bend. And who knows, there may be a special bond on that hallowed ground with a certain three-star creepy lass. ;)
"For there are many who must in turn walk in gardensong, be it some in shaded glory, and others yet with roses merry."
Amazing game and all with a nice art style, the only thing i struggle with is replicating a mushroom twice in a row, even using the same flower, i usually get around 3 different mushroom types.
I understand how the earlier choices differ the mushroom you get, but i just cant figure it out, it would be kinda neat if it told you how to grow the same mushroom in the mushipiedia.
Thank you! Unfortunately, we're a small dev team so we don't have the resources for any translations at the moment. I'll definitely keep it in mind though! Maybe some day...
We're glad to hear that! Mushrooms are fun little guys~
Not all of the items have uses, though if you happen to have the eyeflower at the right place and the right time, you may have an opportunity to show it off and brag to some small humans :)
Much like life, many of the experiences in Mushroom Musume are fleeting things. Most of the things the dev team consider 'completable' are done through the final challenges you can decide on near the end of a run, otherwise don't worry about it too much.
(That said, this is something we're keeping in mind as we work on future updates! Both in the sense that there's some continuations we have planned of non-completed story stuff, and also we want to add more ways for players to feel in control of their playthroughs.)
absolutely adorable. the art alone is just perfect. loved all the lil shroom babies i've raised so far, and can't bring myself to try and bully them for different endings haha
during the witches quest the start, you see usually these sort of icons on each cards
these icons mean different types, the one im currently showing you is the creepy icon.
if you always pick a card with this icon, and make sure your daughter grows up well and not underdeveloped, youd get a creepy type mushroom.
further more, if you want higher star mushrooms youd have to fill more of the star bar (was that what it was called???) the higher it is the more chances your daughter might become a 2 or 3 star (at least i think so)
Yeah, I've been slowly getting them, but it's hard to figure out which icons lead to which types. Like the culinary type, I got it via the potion seller, but I have no clue how to get it myself.
I'd really love more guidance on how to succeed on the questline stories. They're so long that finishing them only to be told the story wasn't quite right is a bit tiring
← Return to game
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These types of games and the style really strike a soft spot, and watching my sweet child grow into something that we were both proud of was an enriching experience.
Yay mushroom girls!
I love this game! I enjoyed playing it a lot especially with all the unique ways your daughter can grow up. I've been playing it in my free time!
I love it! All the characters are interesting, and the mushroom girls are so cute! I just wish we could play through the entire life of the mushroom girl to get a fuller story line.
I'm on mac so maybe theres no solution, but I just finished the matchmaker chapter and I cannot figure out how to continue after that. It brings me to my info screen and the X just puts me on the main menu.
Hello! Congratulations on growing your first daughter. It bringing you to the character screen then the intro scene marks the end of a playthrough... Mushroom Musume is meant to be played through multiple times, so you can try to grow different types of mushroom (if you haven't looked through it yet, be sure to check out your Mushroom Almanac on the main screen to see what you've found so far!).
Different daughters have unique abilities and can sometimes make interesting choices in events, and there's more events in the game than any one daughter could see!
this game is really nice!!
hello, tried to dowonload game for windows, but when i tried to unzip it i got error "Corrupted archive"
(! D:\ Архив повреждён)
anyone know how to fix it? (sorry for bad english, i am foreigner)
You could try re-downloading the file and seeing if your anti-virus removes any files.
Hello, I have a problem with the revenger story I just finished it but I can't do anything after it do anyone have solution???
Hi! I'm sorry it's giving you problems. Just to check, what version of the game are you playing? We fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze after completing the Revenger story in this last update, so if you're on an older version it may already be fixed! If you're currently playing the newest version (4a), please send some screenshots and info to our bug report form so we can fix it in the future.
Just downloaded Android version today. Same issue. On loading, can't do anything except check my stats.
And Revenger Story Inventory info is grey behind my mushroom stats.
Skip does nothing. I'm on Android 11.
Just to check, are you trying to load a save from the previous version? I suspect the problem exists in the save state unfortunately.
Nope, first time playing this game.
BWAAHAHAH NAHHHH I love the name slim Jim <3
Error gotten after the recluse event when distant:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/events - complex/recluse_encounter.rpy", line 327, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Daughter' object has no attribute 'gain_trait'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "phase runners/growing.rpyc", line 23, in script call
File "phase runners/a_girl_on_her_own.rpyc", line 102, in script call
File "events - complex/recluse_encounter.rpyc", line 201, in script call
File "events - complex/recluse_encounter.rpyc", line 327, in script
File "renpy/", line 928, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
File "renpy/", line 2245, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/events - complex/recluse_encounter.rpy", line 327, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Daughter' object has no attribute 'gain_trait'
Mushroom Musume .4
Tue Jul 25 22:03:58 2023
I'm not sure I've figured out how this game works. What are the cards and how do you use them? (Like the NOPE card for example)
Hi there, ol' Zaozoruzhna here to help with a little clarification.
The way the cards work is that there are multiple different types: the standard card that you see for most options, the rare card (denoted with a gem top-center of the card frame) that typically is accessible through some prerequisite your daughter has hit (which btw, these choices usually lead to better/interesting content); there are also cards that have a swirl in the top left corner, which correspond to different tokens your daughter may have (culinary tokens, poison tokens, and wealth tokens), applying these tokens (by clicking on the swirl) will increase your odds of succeeding that skill check.
Lastly, there are the nope cards. Sometimes, rather than bothering with an event (as we do have a couple rather... longer ones sprinkled throughout), you just want to continue on with the game - the nope cards allow you to bypass an event without shortening the total number of events your daughter will get in the run (consider them like a mulligan.)
I hope this helps clarify, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Thanks! That was helpful.
I got a funny encounter, right after updating the game, I got a potato. I just thought it'd be neat to share.
i also got a potato >;3
Can you transfer data from linux to windows
Edit: I copied the save files including the "persistent" file and it worked. Im guessing the save files aren't actually needed and you only need the "persistent" file for it to work, but you'd lose your saves.
I tried to download it on my Android but when the download is about to finish it says "forbidden" I investigated and it says it's because I don't have permission to download something from the server and that's why it forbids me, I thought it was Chrome's fault, but no, I never had this error appeared :(
If it is your phone saying the file type is forbidden, you might need to change your download settings on your phone to allow downloads from sources other than the apple/google/galaxy store. For security reasons, by default your phone won't allow downloads from non-store locations/websites. If you search "how to install unknown apps on (apple/android), you should be able to get the game to download properly. Keep in mind, this feature it DISABLED BY DEFAULT FOR SECURITY REASONS, so you might want to turn it back on after you have the game fully running/working.
Verry satisfied with my open to interpretation ending, was an interesting perspective of having a daughter, I didn't expect it to be all that good, however I definitely think its worth at least one play by anyone.
So...i get to have some daughters hm? 🗿 Lets see....
This is certainly going to change the perspective of the place of Waifus....
i love this game!! so cute
although the story thing with the revenger is confusing, does anyone know how to end the story?
Just curious, are you still in the town? Or have you made it to the Mausoleum?
just made it to the mausoleum! just not sure how to progress with the story
Let me be of some help, as part of the challenge of the Mausoleum is navigating your way through it.
In essence, what you're aiming to do is get to the heart of the Mausoleum, where the Revenger's enemy waits. But to do so, you need to acquire keys to progress through locked doors - these keys are attained by fighting (or using items if you acquired them in town) two sub-bosses.
If you would like, I have attached a map of the mausoleum to help guide you through.
Also note: if you wish to prematurely end the story, you can return to the entrance of the Mausoleum and leave. Later on, if you re-encounter the Crone who reads you the tale, you'll have the option to start at the beginning of the Mausoleum rather than town.
(And depending on how you played the town portion, re-starting at the beginning of the Mausoleum may yield a different end...)
I hope this helps! -Zaozoruzhna
thank you so much! :D
The game kind of got stuck after the revenger story ended, but it's fun to make another mushroom.
this game is so fun, and totally scratches my itch to collect things in video games. i can't wait to grow a legion of daughters! :D
This is an insanely good game, that is to the soul like eating a bowl of mushroom soup is for your body :)
I love this game a bunch! It's like a daydream that gently takes you by the hand and leads you off for a bit.
I haven't had that from a game in a looong time!

Here's a picture from a recent run that was particularly good:
PS: Thank you for packaging it for Linux.
I love this game so much, I would love for a guide to it because it's pretty hard to get all the endings lol, but it's a big game so I understand if that would be difficult. Also, does anyone have tips on how to raise your daughter correctly so she doesn't end up as a little brown mushroom? Do you just need to make sure her environment is very good, or are there other elements that affect how well you raised her?
there's a disposition when you open up your daughter's info and if it says underdeveloped you'll have to pick more choices corresponding to your daughter's type
i uh, sorta do have a guide of the game because
i got bored lol, the guide isn't exactly finished, since i haven't finish the song section quite yet
i can send the link if you want ?
PLEASE SEND THE LINK!! I know im not the og poster but I need a guide so bad.
if you go to a section, and gets displayed an error, just go back and try it again, i don't know how to fix that
this game is so pretty u shud deff play it if u havent!
I wanna learn more magic but I cannot progress farther than witchling :c
Heyyy, it's me again. I was playing in a route where I chose the bleeding hearts flower and when my daughter grew into an adult, I got this: (the image attached). I have the newest build so it seems that the file is still missing. pls let me know if there's something I can do or if you need to release an update with it fixed. I can wait, I just wanted to let you know that I found this error
I loooved it!! Such a hauntingly beautiful game with lots of heart and lovable characters, the aesthetic is incredible. Short and sweet, I would love to see a longer more complex version of this someday. I also loved seeing goofy lesbians with the Cupid storyline, it made my little butch heart happy so thank you for that :) I'll be on the lookout for more games you make! <3
It'd be so great, if any of my choices came to mean anything in the end. Say I gain a neat item or trait; considering the miniscule bundle of events before the game concludes, the odds of both gaining this trait/item, encountering the event where it can come in useful, and succeeding the save, are trivial. The game is too short, with too little player control, for most choices to be meaningful at all... unless I savescum, which is dull. Either allocate more time, or provide additional control over the web of disconnected events, I believe.
Second notice: even with multiple savescums, and two magick shrooms, I hadn't once received the opportunity to cast a spell, or even expand my abilities beyond witchling. In fact, I've not seen a single case in which it could come up, during any of my playthroughs. Yeah, absolutely nothing I do matters.
I think you're playing it wrong you're supposed to keep replaying it
I've played it at least six times, with multiple magick shroom runs, and savescumming for events. Not a single one involved using magick.
yeah, I have the same issue. i want to learn magic, but I can't seem to get to that point
Ive been able to learn actual magic a few times, so to me it seems like the events are kinda rare, theres one where its really late and theres a guy with a fire, than another at a graveyard, thats all i know
does learning the clairvoyance magik lead to any events where we can use it later on??
also idk what to do in the scene with the statue in the glade except for picking up the rosemary, it seems like there should be more but idk what to do with it or if theres more interactions im missing!!
and idk how to meet the violet coral girl in the endings list! a lot of questions lol
and anyways love loooooove this game so much so many cool subtle easter eggs depending on your choices and things u pick up along the way :D
also i would love to help with translation if thats something youre looking for, i know its a small dev team :)
Hello Habeabi, and thanks for the kind words! Glad you're enjoying the game (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
With clairvoyance, there might be a chance at tipping the odds in your favor should you find yourself at Lady Luck's table
The Violet Coral encounter requires a certain type of mushroom girl, one that complements by contrast the qualities Miss VC has
For the glade, if the daughter can read with the bookworm trait, there's a touching epitaph at the base of the statue. Otherwise, if you have the minor spirit summoning trait, there is a lingering pain in the area who's ear you may like to bend. And who knows, there may be a special bond on that hallowed ground with a certain three-star creepy lass. ;)
"For there are many who must in turn walk in gardensong, be it some in shaded glory, and others yet with roses merry."
thank you so much!! cant wait to try the glade again then :D
and i figured out how to encounter vc after some experiments, such a cute ending 10/10 <3
Amazing game and all with a nice art style, the only thing i struggle with is replicating a mushroom twice in a row, even using the same flower, i usually get around 3 different mushroom types.
I understand how the earlier choices differ the mushroom you get, but i just cant figure it out, it would be kinda neat if it told you how to grow the same mushroom in the mushipiedia.
The reason i need this information is because im trying to get a death cap again but cant
I figured out the combo, we good now
Next time you get deathcap save so you can use that save as a way to play it again whenever you want
Yea, i had only been using one save slot and kinda just kept saving over it when auto save wanted to be funny.
Theres even over 100 pages of accesible save slots
Man, what a simply amazing site. Does it have a Portuguese version? I would love to play
Thank you! Unfortunately, we're a small dev team so we don't have the resources for any translations at the moment. I'll definitely keep it in mind though! Maybe some day...
thanks for that man. you absolutely have my respect
I love this game. It really sparked my interest with mushrooms 🥰
Question tho, what is the eye-flower for? I haven't discovered its purpose other than a rememberance that I dismembered a suspicious-looking flower.
We're glad to hear that! Mushrooms are fun little guys~
Not all of the items have uses, though if you happen to have the eyeflower at the right place and the right time, you may have an opportunity to show it off and brag to some small humans :)
Thank you! On my way to find the small humans *-*)
im unable to download the zip file
Is it giving you some kind of error?
it took me a few hours but i messed with my computer enough that it would download
How do I complete any of the questlines? My games just end too soon.
Much like life, many of the experiences in Mushroom Musume are fleeting things. Most of the things the dev team consider 'completable' are done through the final challenges you can decide on near the end of a run, otherwise don't worry about it too much.
(That said, this is something we're keeping in mind as we work on future updates! Both in the sense that there's some continuations we have planned of non-completed story stuff, and also we want to add more ways for players to feel in control of their playthroughs.)
oo thanks for the reply im looking forward to the next updates
absolutely adorable. the art alone is just perfect. loved all the lil shroom babies i've raised so far, and can't bring myself to try and bully them for different endings haha
I loved it its a really good game just something ive wanted for a while
okay, anyone pls give me tips on getting different mushroom types
during the witches quest the start, you see usually these sort of icons on each cards

these icons mean different types, the one im currently showing you is the creepy icon.
if you always pick a card with this icon, and make sure your daughter grows up well and not underdeveloped, youd get a creepy type mushroom.
further more, if you want higher star mushrooms youd have to fill more of the star bar (was that what it was called???) the higher it is the more chances your daughter might become a 2 or 3 star (at least i think so)
wait shit is the image showing??? when i edit it its there but it aint showing on the message published
(edit): got it fixed
Yeah, I've been slowly getting them, but it's hard to figure out which icons lead to which types. Like the culinary type, I got it via the potion seller, but I have no clue how to get it myself.
since im bored heres the icons and their respective silly types
drippy mushy - creepy
shiny roots shroom - bright
bulky mushroom with hexagon pattern - culinary
mushy with with smoke shine aura - poison
hand hold a mushroom with an eye - magic
I'm missing #29 as of now. Between Deathcap and Parrot Waxcap, any tips? (i appreciate your replies nonetheless)
I'd really love more guidance on how to succeed on the questline stories. They're so long that finishing them only to be told the story wasn't quite right is a bit tiring
It looks like you're playing an older version, so the good news is that bug is already fixed!~ Just redownload and you should be good.
thank youuuu <333